Op-eds & Earned Media
Op-eds & Earned Media
Craig Cox
Success Stories
Craig has worked alongside many talented and dedicated individuals and organizations, with whom he has achieved significant accomplishments in public policy advocacy and stakeholder outreach
In 2004, Colorado voters approved Amendment 37, creating the nation’s first renewable portfolio standard to be adopted by popular vote. Working on behalf of the renewable energy industry, Craig helped this ballot initiative gain statewide, bipartisan support.
Craig established the Interwest Energy Alliance trade association in 2002. Working with project developers, NGOs, government officials and many other parties, Interwest advanced policies that led to a 1,487% increase in wind and utility-scale market development during Craig’s ten years as Interwest’s executive director.
Craig writes (and ghostwrites) op-eds, articles and other materials that are placed publications across North America, with an emphasis on influencing policymakers and other opinion leaders.
Working for the Chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy and Power in the 1990s, Craig advanced bipartisan support for renewable energy in Congress. Since then, he has worked for clients to advance their policy goals at all levels of government.
Craig spearheaded a collaborative effort between the energy industry and conservation groups that negotiated the adoption of 12 best management practices (BMPs) to ensure long-term planning certainty for wind project developers in Colorado as well as providing protection for key wildlife species and ecosystems.
Craig has extensive experience working with state, county and local governments. He has testified before legislative committees and regulatory commissions in various states and helps clients prepare policy outreach and advocacy materials.
Groundbreaking ceremonies, ribbon-cuttings, and other community events create outreach opportunities, while community meetings help bring stakeholders together to engage in productive dialogue. Craig has organized many such events for his clients.